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Decluttering Your House –

We have all been there. Unnecessary items pile up in our homes and garages taking up space and collecting dust but we just can’t seem to find the time and energy to clean the place and get rid of the clutter. This post is meant to help you by providing a few useful tips for decluttering and cleaning up your house.

Plan the clean up

Perhaps you’ve been meaning to clean up the house for a while now and when you have finally set out to do it, you’d like to finish everything in one day. That’s hardly possible so it’s important to be realistic. Instead of trying to do everything at once and ending up exhausted, you can clean the rooms one by one.

For example, you can tackle one room today, the next tomorrow, and leave the garage for the weekend (this is where we usually compile the most junk).

Get rid of the junk

The first step to cleaning up your home is decluttering or getting rid of all the things you don’t use anymore. Old clothes, broken appliances, toys your kids don’t use anymore…You can get rid of all of that.

You’ll be surprised by how much better your home looks when you remove the clutter. You’ll feel better spending time in a room when it’s tidied up and not cluttered as before.

While going through your closets to figure out what to throw out and what to keep, you can create two separate piles: one for the trash and one to donate. Any clothes in great condition that you don’t wear anymore, you can wash and iron and donate to charity.


A lot of the things you will throw out can be recycled. You’ll be doing our planet a favor. It is estimated that the world generates over 2 billion tonnes of solid waste annually. Recycling can help reduce the waste we generate so you should try to separate all the items that can be recycled such as plastics, clothes, paper, etc.

If you need help organizing/cleaning up your waste, you can always hire professionals and call Ready2Go Dumpsters to help you out. Our dumpster rentals can fit all types of waste and we can even recycle or donate items for you. This saves you a lot of effort and headache when cleaning up.

For more information on our services, contact us and get a free quote.

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